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Thank Foodness Blog

an appreciation for all things edible...

  • Writer's pictureCarole Marsh

The Month of Chocolate

Updated: Dec 20, 2018

We’d probably never associate the month of February with chocolate if it weren’t for Valentine’s Day. When I think of Valentine’s, I always think of the authentic Hershey’s fudge my mother always made. Surely nothing smells better than cocoa bubbling in a cast iron pot on the stove? I did not think I could wait until that fudge was finally spread in a pan and began to glisten and beg to be cut into squares. In the meantime, I happily settled for a wooden spoon with which to scrub the fudge pot clean—never even minding how often my tongue got burned from the still hot chocolate.

That was my kid chocolate memory. My adult chocolate memory was when, on a whim, my husband and I flew to New York City for the Chocolate Show. Held every other year in NYC or Paris, it is a remarkable celebration of all things chocolate. In addition to panels and exhibits and such, the big deal is all the chocolate to sample, drink, sample, sample, sample, and most especially, the fashion show in which all the clothing is made of chocolate. It’s quite the festival!

Once I was in Hershey, Pennsylvania, researching a book. It was six-below-zero and I had the flu. It was only the real Hershey cocoa hot chocolate that allowed me to survive this ordeal and get the job done. I truly think it only tastes that wonderful right there in Hershey made by Hersheyites?

Enjoy the February chocolate recipes—there’s a million more where these came from, but these are my favorites!


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