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Thank Foodness Blog

an appreciation for all things edible...

  • Carole Marsh

Shriner’s Coleslaw

When it’s time to make a big batch of something healthy, I like to make coleslaw.

Some folks may prefer big, chunky coleslaw, but not me. When I was a kid in Atlanta, I fondly remember fish fry fundraisers.

The highlight was the very fine slaw made by the women married to the Shriner’s. They made gallons and gallons of the stuff, grating the cabbage and carrots on the finest part of hand-graters!

I tried that once and skinned my knuckles. Using a blender or food processor, you can make a couple of quarts of Shriner’s Cole Slaw in no time!

Take one large head of cabbage, wash it, and chop into chunks, cover with water, and process on high speed for a few seconds.

Drain each batch thoroughly and add to a very large bowl. Do the same with about 6-7 large carrots. Add one small jar of pickle relish, also well-drained. Add at least one cup of mayonnaise, probably two!

I add a couple of tablespoons of brown sugar to my slaw. Add salt and pepper to taste. Mix thoroughly and chill well. Goes great with fried fish, hamburgers, hot dogs, sandwiches, on a salad plate, chili, and most anything else!

God bless the ladies of the past who used old-fashioned tools to produce the food and dishes of our favorite feast memories!

Note: In the old Murphy’s Laws books, there was a definition of Cole’s Law: cabbage and carrots with mayo!



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