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Thank Foodness Blog

an appreciation for all things edible...

  • Writer's pictureCarole Marsh

Corned Beef and Bleu Cheese Paninis

Updated: Dec 20, 2018

Nothing inspires me to cook more than the threat of snow!

It doesn’t take a blizzard—a hint of flurries will do! I had just made corned beef and cabbage (and had leftovers), so concocted this instant winter’s night meal which was really, really creamy and comforting!

Use a thick slice of a grainy bread such as a European wheatberry. Butter one side of each slice.

For each sandwich:

One one slice put mayonnaise; on the other put a spicy brown mustard. Lay one slice on a griller skillet and put sliced cooked corned beef. Over that add a nice layer of a softened bleu cheese and bread and butter pickles. Top with the other slice and grill until golden brown; serve hot.

For desert, a nice cold chocolate pudding, instant or cooked, with whipped cream, really hits the spot. All is fast, easy, and something besides chili on a snowy night.


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