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Thank Foodness Blog

an appreciation for all things edible...

  • Writer's pictureCarole Marsh

Fitbit: Fad or Fantastic Way to Make You Reconsider Food?

Updated: Dec 20, 2018

Only time will tell, but I got both a red and a black Fitbit for Christmas. As soon as I figure out how to use it, I am raring to hit the pavement and do my 10,000 (or will that be 20,000?) steps each day! In the meantime, I decided to create a Fitbit healthy snack.


A bit like trail mix, in a large bowl combine ½ cup of each of the following; baggie it up in daily doses and let it help give you energy and encouragement as you embark on your new fitness program. You do have one, right?

Unsalted almonds Dried pineapple pieces Peanut butter chips Dark chocolate chips Salted pretzel bits Coconut flakes

That’s six good things; obviously, you can vary them with what you have, like, or the season. Just stick to healthy, variety, and more “bits” than bites. A serving that fits in the little bowl palm of your hand is enough for one Fitbit session. It’s your healthy reward for getting out there and getting a bit more fit!


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