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Thank Foodness Blog

an appreciation for all things edible...

  • Writer's pictureCarole Marsh

New Year’s Goulash

Updated: Dec 20, 2018

Now we’re moving on! The fridge is empty of holiday leftovers.

And yet…there are a few yet fresh ingredients that need to be combined into a New Year’s goulash.

Goulash-Stuffed Mushrooms with Steamed Asparagus and Pimento

Steam a bundle of asparagus, cut short; drain and set aside.

Wash, dry and core large stuffing mushrooms. Place in a shallow baking pan in a little water and steam in the oven until still firm but tender; drain and set aside.

In a large frying pan, combine:

1 cup crabmeat

1 can small kernel white corn

3 shallots washed, trimmed short and previously sauted in butter or olive oil

Cook mixture on low heat until well-combined and hot. Turn heat to low and add 1 teaspoon horseradish sauce, 1 teaspoon minced garlic, 1 splash each of Tabasco and Worcester sauces, ¼ cup mayonnaise, and ¼ cup cream cheese. Spice with 3 tablespoons dried chives and salt and pepper to taste. Add white or red wine to get the consistency you prefer.

Stuff the mushrooms with the crab mixture until well-filled.

Sprinkle with fine blue cheese crumbles and panko bread crumbs. Bake at 350 degrees until cheese is melted. Decorate with asparagus and pimento. Serve hot with bread and a salad. Also with the same wine you used for the mushrooms.

Pineapple sherbet makes a good dessert for this!

Note: Now why is this a goulash? Because the mushrooms will be so covered with great crab goo, that it just taste goulashy. Also, it’s a very forgiving recipe. You can spice up or down, make sweeter or less so, and when all done, mix the leftovers into a combo that goes great with scrambled eggs, or in the eggs to make an omelet. A goulash omelet? You can also substitute red pepper relish for the pimento, if you prefer.


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